Infancia Latina


Dominio: Población y Demografía

Domain: Population and Demography

Although the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean benefited from sustained economic growth, particularly notable in the early 2000s, the region remains known for its persistent inequality.

Dominio: Protección

Domain: Protection

The first years of a girl or boy's life establish a crucial foundation for their emotional, social and cognitive development, where they need loving and accepting care.

Dominio: Salud y Bienestar

Domain: Health and Wellbeing

Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is one of the articles considered by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as a “general principle”.

Dominio: Educación

Domain: Education

Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) proclaims the fundamental right of every child to education, and emphasizes that this right must be exercised “under conditions of equal opportunities”.